Circuit Restore

Circuit Restore

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When your electronic pathways experience a disruption, all other operations grind to a halt, causing a significant blow to productivity. The swift pace at which most enterprises operate cannot withstand the repercussions of losing vital voice or data connections during their operational hours. The seamless functioning of businesses relies on uninterrupted connectivity for critical tasks such as credit card processing, order placement, and access to essential business data. When these connections fail, your business essentially becomes non-operational until the connectivity is reinstated.

What is Circuit Restore™?

Customers now have the option to enroll in a monthly paid service that takes a proactive approach to oversee the status of both voice and data circuits, promptly resolving any disruptions. With Circuit Restore™, our dedicated Network Operations Center conducts regular monitoring and circuit evaluations at designated intervals. Should a circuit experience a service interruption, our team will promptly alert you through email. With our Platinum Monitoring option, we go the extra mile by initiating contact with the service provider, initiating a support ticket, and maintaining communication with the carrier until the circuit is fully restored and the ticket is officially closed.

Circuit Restore™ stands as a shield against expensive downtime, guaranteeing an unparalleled level of responsiveness and customer assistance, all at a mere fraction of a cost per day. There are two service levels available as outlined below.

Circuit Restore™ Gold (1 & 2)

We Monitor & Notify, You Fix.

1. Circuit Pinged

Pings are sent to determine if a circuit is operational. Five unsuccessful pings, in succession, will result in notifications being sent.

2. Email Notifications

Notifications are sent via email to alert you that there’s a problem on your circuit. You will receive an additional email notification when the circuit is restored.

Circuit Restore™ Platinum (1-4)

We Monitor, Notify & Fix.

3. Carrier Contact

Clarus will act on your behalf, contact the service provider and work to restore the circuit quickly, ensuring maximum uptime for your business.

4. Circuit Restored

Once the service provider has corrected the issue and the circuit is restored, we’ll notify you by email, ensure you’re happy and close the ticket.

We invite you to discover more about our voice and data circuit monitoring and other top-notch telecommunications products, available throughout Louisville, Kentucky. To get in touch with us, simply fill out the form below, and our dedicated team of telecommunications specialists will promptly assist you with any inquiries you may have. We look forward to helping you find the perfect communication solutions for your business.

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We look forward to serving you.

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